Daily Archives: 30 January, 2017

ADPREP Bug in Windows Server 2016

When I upgraded a domain to Windows Server 2016 DCs I noticed a bug in the adprep program that I have reproduced in my lab and wanted to share it here.

In Active Directory 2016 there is two new groups introduced.
Key Admins
Enterprise Key Admins

If you create a new domain with Windows Server 2016 the groups will be created and given Read and Write access to the ms-DS-Key-Credential-Link attribute on all child objects from the domain root.

There isn’t much public documentation about this attribute, and that isn’t what this blog post is about.
But it seems to have something with Windows Hello for Business providing key-based or certificate-based authentication. That is still not fully implemented in Active Directory, it’s on the roadmap for future release. You can read more about it here: Manage identity verification using Windows Hello for Business

I have also noticed the ADFS 4.0 installation wizard tries to add the service account as member of the Enterprise Key Admins group. You can read about it here: Upgrading the ADFS farm behavior level

When I upgraded a domain, and ran adprep.exe to prepare the domain for Windows Server 2016 DCs I noticed after running adprep.exe /domainprep two new SIDs representing the two new groups. Continue reading